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LWC js-meta.xml Configuration File Tags

Each Lightning web component folder must include a configuration file named <componentName>.js-meta.xml. The configuration file defines the metadata values for the component, including the design configuration for the Lightning App Builder and Community Builder.

Some Standard Key metadata values:

apiVersion: A double value that binds the component to a Salesforce API version.

isExposed: If isExposed is false, the component is not exposed to Lightning App Builder or Community Builder.
To allow the component to be used in Lightning App Builder or Community Builder, set isExposed to true and define at least one <target>, which is a type of Lightning page.

Some Standard Optional metadata values:

description: A short description of the component, usually a single sentence.

masterLabel: The title of the component. Appears in list views, like the list of Lightning Components in Setup, and in the Lightning App Builder and in Community Builder.

targets: Specifies where the component can be added, such as on a type of Lightning Page or in Embedded Service Chat. If you want your component to appear in the Lightning App Builder or in Community Builder, specify at least one Lightning page type.

Supports the target subtag:

lightning__AppPage: Enables a component to be used on an App page in Lightning App Builder.

lightning__HomePage: Enables a component to be used on a Home page in Lightning App Builder.

lightning__RecordPage: Enables a component to be used on a record page in Lightning App Builder.

lightning__UtilityBar: Enables a component to be used as a utility item on the utility bar in the App Manager.

lightning__FlowScreen: Enables a component to be used on flow screens in Flow Builder.

lightning__Tab: Enables a component to be used in a custom tab in Lightning Experience or the Salesforce mobile app.

lightning__Inbox: Enables a component to be used in Lightning App Builder to add to email application panes for the Outlook and Gmail integrations.

lightningCommunity__Page: Enables a component to be used on a Lightning community page in Community Builder.

lightningCommunity__Default: Used together with lightningCommunity__Page. Enables a component that includes configurable properties to be used on a Lightning community page in Community Builder. When the component is selected on the page, the properties appear.

lightningSnapin__ChatMessage: Enables a component to be selected from Embedded Service Chat Setup. If a component imports the lightningsnapin/baseChatMessage module, it must specify the lightningSnapin__ChatMessage target. For more information, see the lightningsnapin/baseChatMessage documentation.

targetConfigs: Configure the component for different page types and define component properties. For example, a component could have different properties on a record home page than on the Salesforce Home page or on an app page. For Communities, only lightningCommunity__Default supports component properties.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<LightningComponentBundle xmlns="">

Note: targetConfigs supported Subtags : ClickHere


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